
Print & Broadcast Media 

Sen’s words have appeared in leading international and national newspapers, magazines, journals, and broadcast on radio and television. Some include: the Times Literary Supplement, Newsweek, Guardian, Independent, Observer, Telegraph, Financial Times, Scotsman, Scotland on Sunday, Herald, Evening Standard, New Internationalist, de Volkskrant, De tweede ronde, London Magazine, Poetry Review, Agenda, Ambit, Wolf, Wasafiri, Edinburgh Review, Lines Review, Irish Pages, Literary Review, Harvard Review, World Literature Today, Times of India, Hindu, Hindustan Times, Indian Express, New Indian Express, Tribune, Telegraph, Asian Age, Deccan Chronicle, Statesman, Gentleman, India International Centre Quarterly, Little Magazine, Biblio, Indian Review of Books, New Quest, Outlook, India Today, among others; and broadcast on BBC World (TV), BBC Radio, CNN-IBN, NDTV, PBS, WFUV, GLR, SABC, AIR, Doordarshan, Radio Tehran, Radio Jerusalem, and many others.   

Books | Chapbooks by Sudeep Sen 


2022 The Whispering Anklets by Sudeep Sen (with Aditi Mangaldas & Dinesh Khanna) (forthcoming) 

2021 Anthropocene: Climate Change, Contagion, Consolation (Pippa Rann UK) 

2021 Mera Sharir Meri Atma Ka Sautela Beta | My Body is the Stepson of my Soul: Selected Poems 1980-2020  introduction & translation into Hindi by Anamika (Vani Prakashan) forthcoming 

2021 Godhuli Lagna | Cow Dust Hour: Selected Poems introduction by Neelam Mansingh & Surjit Patar |  translation into Punjabi by Akshaya Kumar, Parminder Singh & Vandana Chawla (Autumn Art) forthcoming 

2020 Sudeep Sen Poems introduction & translation into Malayalam by Syam Sudharkar (Payal Books) 

2019 Kaifi Azmi: New & Selected Translations selected, edited & co-translated by Sudeep Sen (Bloomsbury) 

2019 Ausencias | Absences [Spanish & Galician translations] Cervantes Institute  

2018 Lemn Plutitor | Driftwood  [bilingual English-Romanian edition] Biblioteca Judea, Timosoara, Romania  

2018 Grammatica | Grammar [bilingual English-Italian edition] Genoa, Italy  

2017 Path to Inspiration (with Setsuko Klossowska de Rola & Homa Arzhangi) Ahimsa Forum, Lyon, France 

2017 Incarnat | Incarnadine Tartuga, Carnoules, France 

2015 Fractals: New & Selected Poems | Translations 1980-2015  UK: London Magazine Editions,  USA: Wings, India: Gallerie  

2013 Fractals: New & Selected Poems|Translations 1978-2013 [limited edition] Gallerie 

2012 Mediterraneo [Spanish & Galician translations] Cervantes Institute  

2012 Ladakh Gallerie & Tyrone Guthrie Centre (Ireland) 

2010 Winter Frances Kiernan Edtion (UK) 

2009 Aria [translations] Yeti Books & Monsoon Editions (India) / 2010 Mulfran Press (UK) 

2009 Heat Web del Sol (USA) 

2005 Rain Gallerie & Mapin (India) / Grantha (USA) 

2003 Distracted Geography: An Archipelago of Intent Wings Press (USA) / 2004 Peepal Tree (UK), Indialog (India) 

2003 Prayer Flag [CD / poetry & photography] Wings Press (USA) / Peepal Tree (UK) 

2002 Monsoon [re-issued in 2005 as Rain] Bengal Foundation (Dhaka) / Aark Arts (London)  

2001 Perpetual Diary Aark Arts, London 

2000 A Blank Letter The High Commission of India (Dhaka) 

2000 Lines of Desire University of South Carolina / Triad 

2000 Almanac University of South Carolina / Triad 

2000 In Another Tongue [translations] University of South Carolina / Triad 

1999 Retracing American Contours University of South Carolina / Triad 

1997 Postmarked India: New & Selected Poems HarperCollins 

1995 Dali’s Twisted Hands  Peepal Tree Books, Leeds 

1994 Mount Vesuvius in Eight Frames Peepal Tree Books, Leeds 

1994 South African Woodcut  Peepal Tree Books, Leeds 

1993 Parallel [CD /Audio Cassette] The Scottish Poetry Library, Edinburgh 

1993 New York Times The Many Press, London 1995 Rupa, (including Kali in Ottava Rima) 

1992 Kali in Ottava Rima Paramount, London 1995 Rupa, (including New York Times) 

1990 The Lunar Visitations White Swan Books (New York) 1991 Rupa (New Delhi) 

1986 The Man in the Hut [limited hand-bound edition] Davidson, North Carolina (USA) 

1983 Leaning Against the Lamp-Post / 1996 [reprinted] Triad & University of South Carolina (USA) 



2022 Small Tales from my Kitchen Table (with Dinesh Khanna) (forthcoming) 

2022 Selected Criticism & Reviews Vol 3 (Classix) (forthcoming) 

2022 Selected Essays & Non-Fiction Vol 2 (Classix) (forthcoming) 

2021 Selected Interviews & Coversations Vol 1(Classix) 

2018 Tracing Lines: Selected Prose (Essays & Criticism) (work-in-progress) 

2016 EroText Vintage: Penguin Random House  

2002 Postcards from Bangladesh (with Tanvir Fattah & Kelley Lynch), University Press Limited 

1999 BodyText (Harrow: London, UK) 


2020 My Typerwriter is My Piano: Selected Poems by Anamika | edited & co-translated by Sudeep Sen (Aark Arts) 

2019 Kaifi Azmi: New & Selected Translations | selected, edited & co-translated by Sudeep Sen (Bloomsbury)  

2011/2009 Aria Yeti Books & Monsoon Editions (India) & 2011 Mulfran Press (UK) | translated by Sudeep Sen  

2005 Love Poems by Shamshur Rahman | edited & translated by Sudeep Sen London: Aark Arts 

2003 Spellbound & Other Poems by Fazal Shahabuddin | edited & translated by Sudeep Sen London: Aark Arts 

2001 Love & Other Poems by Aminur Rahman | edited & translated by Sudeep Sen London: Aark Arts 

2000 In Another Tongue University of South Carolina / Triad | translated by Sudeep Sen  


2022 Contemporary English Poetry by Indians (Pippa Rann UK)) 

2020 Modern English Poetry by Younger Indians (Sahitya Akademi) 

2015 World English Poetry (Dhaka: Bengal Foundation) 

2013 The Prairie Schooner Feast Anthology of Poetry by Indian Women USA: University of Nebraska 

2012 The HarperCollins Book of English Poetry (HarperCollins) 

2012 The Yellow Nib Modern English Poetry by Indians (Belfast: Yellow Nib) Seamus Heaney Centre for Poetry, Queens University 

Another English: Anglophone Poems from Aroundthe World  (USA: Tupelo Press & Poetry Foundation) India Editor: Sudeep Sen | Editors: Catherine Bennet & Tiphanie Yanique 

2011 Poetry Review Centrefold Portfolio of Indian Poetry (UK: Poetry Review) 

2010 World Literature Today Writing from Modern India (USA: University of Okhlahoma) 

2009 The Literary Review Indian Poetry (USA: Farleigh Dickinson University) 

2006 Biblio South Asian English Poetry [a portfolio] (New Delhi: Biblio) 

2006present Atlas: New Writing, Art & Image London/New York/New Delhi: Aark Arts  

2005 Sestet: Six New Writers Berlin: Free University & London: Aark Arts 

2004 Midnight’s Grandchildren: Post-Independence English Poetry from India (Macedonia: Struga Poetry Evenings) [in Macedonian translation] 

2002 Dash: Four New German Writers (Berlin: Humboldt University & London: Aark Arts) 

2002 Shawkat Haider: A Day with Destiny (Dhaka: Azeez) 

2001 Hayat Saif: Selected Poems (Dhaka: Pathak Samabesh) 

2001 The British Council Book of Emerging English Poets from Bangladesh (Dhaka: The British Council) 

2001-4: Six Seasons Review (Dhaka: University Press Limited & London: Aark Arts) 

1998 Index for Censorship [Poems] Songs of Partition [a portfolio] (London: Index for Censorship)    

1996 Lines Review Twelve Modern Young Indian Poets (Edinburgh: Lines Review) 

1995 Wasafiri Contemporary Writing from India, South Asia & The Diaspora (University of London) 

Poetry in translation as books/chapbooks/broadsheets

2021 Mera Sharir Meri Atma Ka Sautela Beta | My Body is the Stepson of my Soul | Selected Poems 1980-2020 (Hindi) | trans Anamika (Vani Prakashan) 

2021 Godhuli Vera: Cowdust Hour | Sudeep Sen Selected Poems (Punjabi) | foreword & afterword by Surjit Patar & Neelam Mansingh | trans Akshaya Kumar, Parminder Singh Aziz, Vandana Chawla Garg (Autumn Arts) 

2020 Sudeep Sen Kavithakal | Sudeep Sen Selected Poems (Malayalam) | trans Syam Sudharkar (Payal Books) 

2020 Varsha | Rain by Sudeep Sen (Hindi) | trans. Savita Singh (Rajkamal) (forthcoming) 

2020 Regen | Rain (Dutch) | trans. Susan Ridder (forthcoming)  

2020 Sudeep Sen: Selected Poems (Croatian) | trans. Miroslav Kirin (Fraktura) (forthcoming) 

2019 Ausencias | Absences (Spanish) | trans. Herreo, Castano, Jaime, Aranda (Nicaragua) 

2018 Lemn Plutitor | Driftwood (Romanian) | trans. Melissa Mugur (Biblioteca Judeteana Timis, Timosoara) 

2017 Incarnat | Incarnadine [French / trans. Bernard Turle] (France: Tartuga) 

2017 Vaikus | Silence (Estonian) | trans. Mathura M Lattik (Estonia: Allikaaarne) 

2017 100 Poems from Bangladesh [English translations / eds. Dr Peter & Anette Horn] Edition Delta, Stuttgart, Germany 

2012 Mediterraneo [Spanish|Galician / trans. M Dolores Herrero, Yolanda Castano & Raul Jaime] Cervantes Institute  

2012 Baniano: Figueira de Bangla|Banyan [Galician / trans. Yolanda Castano] Concello da Coruna, Spain   

2009 Triztan’s Timex [Norwegian / trans. Birger Huse] 

2009 Cyclical [Polish / trans. Malgorzata Wilk & Karolina Janus] 

2009 Geographies [French / trans. Dominique Vitalyos & Dominique de Gasquet] 

2006 Lluvia|Rain [Spanish / trans. M Dolores Herrero] 

2005-present Sudeep Sen ki Kavitaye [Hindi / trans. Anamika / work-in-progress] 

2004 Alexander’s Soil: Selected Poems [Macedonian / trans. Zoran Anchevski] 

2002 La Sencilla Malta|The Single Malt [Spanish / trans. Raul Jaime] 

2003 Barsha|Rain [Bengali / trans. Aminur Rahman] 

2003 Prarthana Pataka [Bengali / trans. Aminur Rahman] 

2002 Remembering Hiroshima Tonight [German / trans. Andrea Vialli] 

2000 Ekti Khali Chithi [Bengali / trans. Aminur Rahman] 

200?  Ilhan Berk and other poems [Turkish / trans. Nese Yasin] 

200?  Remembering Hiroshima Tonight [Greek / trans. Kariofilis Mitsakis] 

200?  BodyText [Hebrew / trans. Dan Daor] 

200?  Lines of Desire [Hebrew / trans. Amir Or] 

200?  Lines of Desire [Romanian / trans. Curtea d Arges Poetry Festival committee]  

200?  Lines of Desire & Other Poems [Korean / trans. Kim Ku Sul & Park Hae Won] 

200?  Prayer Flag [Hungarian / trans. Domokos Johanna] 

Important anthologies & publications featuring poetry translations 

The translations that appear in the two books Aria and In Another Tongue were first featured in: Agenda, Atlas, Best of Gallerie 1997-2007, Daily Star, Gallerie International, Modern Poetry in Translation, Molossus, New Internationalist, New Quest, Independent, Poetry International Web, Rotterdam PIW Chapbook, Shine Magazine, Six Seasons Review, SPE Editions, and broadcast on bbc, air, among others. They also appeared as free-standing books, chapbooks, broadsheets, posters, postcards; or have been featured (or are forthcoming) in important anthologies:  

2020 Indian Poetry for 365 Days: An English-Hindi Anthology (HarperCollins), ed. & trans. Gulzar [forthcoming] 

2020 My Typewriter is My Piano: Selected Poems by Anamika (Aark Arts) 

2010 The Essential Tagore, eds. Fakrul Alam and Radha Chakravarty (Santiniketan: Visva-Bharati & Cambridge: Harvard University Press);  

2010 Interior Decoration: Poems by Women from 10 Indian Languages, eds. Ritu Menon, Vasanth Kannabiran, Ammu Joseph, and Volga (New Delhi: Women’s World India & Women Unlimited); 

2010 Golden Boat: An Anthology of Indian River Poems, ed. K Satchidanandan (New Delhi: India International Centre & Yoda Press); 

2010 Top 10 Contemporary World Poets (Dhaka: Adorn Publication) ed. & trans. Aminur Rahman  

2009 Fire in the Soul: 100 Poems for Human Rights, ed. Dinyar Godrej (Oxford: New Internationalist & London: Amnesty International); 

2009 Poetry International festival chapbook by Mangalesh Dabral (Rotterdam: Poetry International);  

Banalata Sen by Jibanananda Das (London: Aark Arts); 

Diptych by Gulzar (London: Aark Arts); 

Love Poems by Shamsur Rahman (London: Aark Arts); 

Spellbound & Other Poems by Fazal Shahabuddin (London: Aark Arts); 

Love & Other Poems by Aminur Rahman (London: Aark Arts); 

Selected Poems by Zoran Anchevski (electronic edition by Shine Magazine);  

Strategy of Defeat: Selected Poems 1984-2000 by Zoran Anchevski (Skopje: Jugoreklam); 

Anthology of Macedonian P.E.N. Poets, ed. Zoran Anchevski (Skopje: Macedonian P.E.N. Centre & Blesok); 

Parabolas and Capriccios: Selected Poems by Petko Dabeski (Struga Poetry Evening Editions); 

Poetry International Web online []; 


Works/Books on Sudeep Sen 

II.1 Selected books/monographs on Sudeep Sen 

2020 Sudeep Sen: The Writer, The Artist & His Practice | ed. Rama Nair (forthcoming) 

2020 Sudeep Sen: Selected Essays, Criticism, Reviews & Interviews, (Classix) Essays by William Radice, Jane Draycott, Jenny Lewis, Brinda Bose, Ratna Raman, Gautam Chakravarti et el.  

1997 Postmarked India: New & Selected Poems | Critical Introduction by Kwame Dawes (HarperCollins) 

1996 Sudeep Sen: A Bio-Bibliographical Critical Sourcebook by Kwame Dawes (University of South Carolina) 

Sudeep Sen: A Monograph by Philip Drury (work-in-progress) 

Selected Essays & Reviews on Sudeep Sen ed. Katarina Magdalena Dorn (work-in-progress)  

The Art of Sudeep Sen ed. M Dolores Herrero (work-in-progress) 

Important anthologies & publications featuring poetry /prose 

2022 A Pocketful of Wry: Indian Poets Also Laugh (Penguin), eds. Arundhati Subramaniam & Jerry Pinto [forthcoming] 

2022 Touched: An Anthology of Voices Writing on Creativity and Madness, eds. Jhilmil Breckenridge & Sukrita Paul Kumar [forthcoming] 

2021 Singing in Bad Times: A Global Anthology of Poetry Under Lockdown (Penguin Random House), eds. K Satchidanandan & Nishi Chawla  

2021 The Yearbook of Indian Poetry in English (Hawakal), eds Vinita Agrawal & Sukrita Paul Kumar  

2021 Open Your Eyes: Climate Change Anthology ed. Vinita Agrawal  

2021 Corona Crisis: Writings from the Debris (Heritage), ed. Vikram Chopra  

2021 Covid 19 World Anthology of Poetry (Kistrech, Kenya) ed. Christopher Okemwa  

2020 What Where We Are Now (Manchester Metropolitan University), ed. Carol Ann Duffy 

2020 Modern English Poetry by Younger Indians (Sahitya Akademi), ed. Sudeep Sen 

2020 Indian Poetry for 365 Days: An English-Hindi Anthology (HarperCollins), ed. & trans. Gulzar [forthcoming] 

2020 Hibiscus: Poems that Heal and Empower (Hawakaal), Eds. Sengupta, Pickering & Mazumdar 

2019 Redemptive Musings: Indian Poetry Anthology ed. Bina Singh 

2019 Dhaka Anthology of World Poetry (Dhaka: Adorn Books), eds. by Aminur Rahman & Bilkis Mansoor 

2018 Name Me a Word: Indian Writers Reflect on Writing (Yale), ed Meena Alexander 

2018 Filigree: Contemporary Black British Poetry (Leeds: Peepal Tree), ed. Nii Parkes  

2018 There’s Something in the Air: 70 Life Stories from India & Italy (Juggernaut), eds. by Lorenzo Angeloni & Maria Elletra Verone  

2018 The Best Indian Poetry 2018 (RLFPA Editions), ed. Linda Ashok 

2018 Dhaka Anthology of World Poetry (Dhaka: Adorn Books), eds. by Aminur Rahman & Bilkis Mansoor 

2017 Poems in an Exhibition: An Ekphrasis Anthology ed. Sylvia Vetta (Oxfordfolio)  

2017 Rochford Street Review Anthology, ed. Les Wicks (Australia) 

2017 ‘Allepo’ (poem), part of ‘Migration’ exhibit at the Pune Biennale, curator Bina Sarkar Ellias 

2016 The Poet’s Quest for God (London: Eyewear), eds. Todd Swift, Oliver Brennan, Kalley Davio & Cate Myddleton-Evans  

2016 Lotosi od neona i delirija. (Croatia Rijeka: Studio TiM), eds. Lora Tomaš & Marijana Janjić 

2015 World English Poetry (Dhaka: Bengal Foundation), ed. Sudeep Sen 

2014 Becoming Poets: The Asian English Experience (Bern: Peter Lang), ed. Agnes S L Lam 

2014 Jora Sanko: Select English Poems by Bengali Poets (Poetry Society of India), eds. M Gandhi & K Sengupta  

2013 Another Country: An Anthology of Post-Independence Indian Poetry in English (Sahitya Akademi), ed. Arundhati Subramanium 

2013 The Big Bridge Anthology of Contemporary Indian Poets (Big Bridge, USA), ed. Menka Shivdasani  

2013 Indo-Australian Anthology of Contemporary Poetry (Authorspress), eds. Rob Harle, Sunil & Sangeeta Sharma 

2013 Asian Poetry in English (University of Hong Kong), ed. Agnes Lam [forthcoming] 

20?? Seven Indian English Poets in Hindi Translation, ed. & trans. Savita Singh [forthcoming] 

2012 The HarperCollins Book of English Poetry (HarperCollins) ed. Sudeep Sen 

2012 The Yellow Nib Modern English Poetry by Indians (Belfast: Queen’s University) ed. Sudeep Sen 

2012 Ten Young Indian Poets in English (Kathmandu/New Delhi: Nirala), ed. Jayanta Mahapatra 

2010 Initiate: An Oxford Anthology of New Writing (Oxford: Blackwell) inro. Jon Stallworthy / eds. Clare Morgan & Rita Ricketts / ed. panel: Jane Draycott, Jonathan Evans, Frank Egerton 

2010 World Literature Today Writing from Modern India (University of Oklahoma) ed. Sudeep Sen  

2010 The Book of Worst Meals (USA: Serving House Books), eds. Walter Cummins & Thomas E Kennedy 

2010 Red: Contemporary Black British Poetry (Leeds: Peepal Tree), ed. Kwame Dawes 

2010 The Golden Boat: Anthology of Indian River Poems, (New Delhi: India International Centre & Yoda Press), ed. K Satchidanandan 

2010 Indivisible: An Anthology of Contemporary South Asian American Poetry (USA: University of Arkansas Press) eds. Neelanjana Banerjee, Summi Kaipa & Pireeni Sundaralingam 

2010 Top 10 Contemporary World Poets (Dhaka: Adorn Publication) ed. & trans. Aminur Rahman  

2009 Borders (Pune: Open Space | CCDS) ed. Priya Sarukkai Chabria 

2009 Leela — An Erotic Play of Verse and Art (Collins), ed. Alka Pande 

2009 The Literary Review Indian Poetry ed. Sudeep Sen (TLR/Fairleigh Dickinson University) 

2008 Language for a New Century: Contemporary Poetry from the Middle East, Asia & Beyond (New York/London: W.W.Norton) eds. Tina Chang, Nathalie Handel & Ravi Shankar | Foreword by Carolyn Forche 

2008 Writing Across Borders ( ed. Niaz Zaman 

2008 Of Rickshaws and Rickshawallahs (University Press Ltd) ed. Niaz Zaman 

2008 Here and Now: Contemporary Poetry of Delhi (New Delhi: Delhi Poetree) 

2007 New Writing 15 (London: Granta & British Council) eds. Bernardine Evaristo & Maggie Gee 

2007 Findings on Ice (Amsterdam & Baden: Lars Muller Publishers) eds. Astrid van Baalen & Hester Aardse  

2007 I Indialand (Torsby, Sweden: Heidruns Forlag) ed. Bengt Berg 

2007 Best of Gallerie 1997-2007 (Mumbai: Gallerie) ed. Bina Sarkar Ellias 

2007 50 Poets 50 Poems (Pune: Open Space | CCDS) ed. Priya Sarukkai Chabria 

2006 All Poetry is Protest (Pune: Open Space | CCDS) ed. Priya Sarukkai Chabria 

2006 Ninety-Nine Words (Orissa: Panchabati Publications) ed. Manu Dash 

2005 Indian Love Poems (New York: Knopf / London: Everyman Library) ed. Meena Alexander 

2005 Confronting Love: Contemporary Indian Love Poems (Penguin India) eds. Jerry Pinto & Arundhati Subramaniam  

2005 Masala (London: Macmillan) ed. Debjani Chatterjee 

2003 Midnight’s Grandchildren: Contemporary English Poetry from India ([in Macedonian] SPE, Macedonia) ed. S Sen 

2003 Gods, Mongrels & Demons (London: Bloomsbury) ed. Angus Calder 

2002 Home & Away: Diaspora Voices (London: Index for Censorship) ed. Ursula Owen & Stephen Watts 

2002 From Briarwood to Barishal to Bangladesh (London Arts UK) ed Sanchita Islam 

2002 Poems & Sources (USA: Fairleigh Dickinson University) ed Thomas Kennedy & Walter Cummins 

2001 Post Independence Voices in South Asian Writings (Doaba, New Delhi) eds. Malashri Lal, Alamgir Hashmi & Victor Ramraj 

2000 The Redbeck Anthology of South Asian Poetry (Redbeck UK) ed. Debjani Chatterjee 

2000 Edinburgh: An Intimate City (Edinburgh Council Scotland) eds B Fraser & E Greig 

2000 Vilenica International Writers’ Anthology ([in Slovenian] Drustvo Slovenskih Pisateljev, Ljubljana) ed. Itzok Osojnik  

2000 Institutionalizing English Studies: The Post-Colonial/Post-Independence Challenge (Toronto: Ariel) eds. Gauri Viswanathan & Victor Ramraj 

ng Indian Poets (Lines Review, Edinburgh) ed. Tessa Ransford / guest ed. S Sen 

1996 Vox: New Indian Fiction (Sterling Bombay) ed. Jeet Thayil 

1995 Wasafiri Contemporary Writing from India, South Asia & The Diaspora  (Wasafiri/ QMW College, University of London) ed. Susheila Nasta / guest ed. Sudeep Sen 

1995 The English Review Contemporary Poets 12 (Oxford University/Philip Allan Publishers) eds. John Carey & Cicely Havely  

[19??] Work (Katabasis London) ed. Dinah Livingstone 

[19??] Home (Katabasis London) ed. Kathleen McPhilemy 

1993 An Anthology of New Indian English Poetry (Rupa New Delhi) ed. Makarand Paranjape 

1992 Barnet Poetry Anthology (Barnet Council London) eds. Dannie Abse, Katherine Gallaghar, Debjani Chatterjee